Specialized Accreditation

In addition to the university's regional accreditation via the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), the degree programs listed in the table below have specialized accreditation. For any updates or changes to the information listed in the table, please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

Institutional Information Guide for Self-Study Reports

As part of its institutional responsibility, LSU represents itself accurately to all U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) recognized agencies with which it holds accreditation. Moreover, LSU and its programs provide to each accrediting agency consistent descriptions regarding the university's purpose, governance, programs, degrees, diplomas, certificates, personnel, finances, and constituents. To ensure this consistency, programs seeking specialized accreditation should refer to the following information about developing their self-study materials: 

Final Administrative Review/Approval Process

Degree programs seeking reaccreditation must adhere to the following review/approval process prior to the submission of their self-study report (and other accreditation materials) to their discipline-specific accrediting body:

  1. Programs must submit their self-study report and related materials, including contact information, to the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness via Tara Rose, Associate Vice Provost. Submission materials must have prior departmental and college approval. Please allow two weeks for review.
  2. Following the review, the program should incorporate suggested revisions and, if needed, meet with OAA staff to address any remaining concerns.
  3. OAA will attain the appropriate approvals/signature from University Leadership, including the Executive Vice President and Provost and/or LSU President, dependent upon the approval requirements established by the accreditor. 

For any questions, please contact Claire Sassic Young, Assistant Director for Institutional Effectiveness.

Changes in Accreditation Status

The Office of Academic Affairs should be notified immediately regarding any changes in accreditation status. The university’s Accreditation Liaison shall be responsible for informing SACSCOC of any pending or final actions by a USDOE-recognized accrediting agency to suspend, revoke, withdraw, or terminate a program’s accreditation and to impose probation or an equivalent status.

Special Accreditation Programs

*USDOE-recognized agencies (as of September 2023)

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Nutrition & Food Sciences BS Nutrition & Food Science- Didactic Program in Dietetics ACEND* 2019 2026
Renewable Natural Resources BS Natural Resource Ecology & Management SAF 2017 2026

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Architecture Bachelor of Architecture; 
Master of Architecture 
NAAB 2022 2030
Art BFA Studio Art; MFA Studio Art;
MA Art History
NASAD* 2012 2023
Interior Design Bachelor of Interior Design CIDA 2021 2027
Landscape Architecture Bachelor of Landscape Architecture; Master of Landscape Architecture  LAAB 2023 2029
Interdisciplinary MS Digital Media Arts & Engineering NASAD* 2021 2023

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Accounting BS, MS, PhD Accounting AACSB 2021 2027
Business Administration MBA AACSB 2021 2027
Business Interdepartmental BS General Business AACSB 2021 2027
Economics BS, MS, PhD Economics; BS International Trade & Finance AACSB 2021 2027
Finance BS, MS Finance; PhD Business Administration (Finance) AACSB 2021 2027
Entrepreneurship & Information Systems BS Information Systems & Decision Sciences; BS Entrepreneurship; MS Analytics; PhD Business Administration (ISDS) AACSB 2021 2027
Management BS Management; PhD Business Administration (Management) AACSB 2021 2027
Marketing BS Marketing; PhD Business Administration (Marketing) AACSB 2021 2027
Public Administration MPA NASPAA, AACSB NASPAA: 2024, AACSB: 2024 NASPAA: 2025, AACSB: 2027


Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Biological & Agricultural Engineering  BS Biological Engineering ABET 2022 2028
Chemical Engineering  BS Chemical Engineering ABET 2022 2028
Civil & Environmental Engineering BS Civil Engineering;
BS Environmental Engineering
ABET 2022 2028
Computer Science & Engineering BS Computer Science ABET 2022 2028
Construction Management BS Construction Management ACCE 2023 2030
Construction Management MS Construction Management ACCE 2021 2026
Electrical & Computer Engineering BS Electrical Engineering;
BS Computer Engineering
ABET 2022 2028
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering BS Industrial Engineering;
BS in Mechanical Engineering
ABET 2022 2028
Petroleum Engineering BS Petroleum Engineering ABET 2022 2028

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Education MEd Counselor Education (Counseling; Clinical Mental Health) CACREP 2017 2025
Education BS Early Childhood Education;
BS Elementary Education Grades 1-5; 
BS Dual Certification General/Special Education Grades 1-5;
MEd Educational Leadership;
MEd Special Education;
MAT Elementary Education Grades 1-5:
MAT Secondary Ed;
MEd Gifted Education
CAEP 2020 2027
Kinesiology BS Kinesiology-Health & Physical Education Teacher Certification CAEP 2020 2027
Kinesiology MS Athletic Training Education CAATE 2018 2028
Kinesiology BS Sport Administration;
MS Sport Management;
PhD Kinesiology-Sports Management
COSMA 2024 2031
Information Studies MLIS Library & Information Science ALA 2022 2029
Social Work BSW CSWE 2020 2024
Social Work MSW CSWE 2020 2028

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Communication Sciences & Disorders MA Communication Disorders CAA* 2021 2029
Psychology PhD Psychology (Clinical) APA* 2018 2028
Psychology PhD Psychology (School) APA* 2018 2023

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Mass Communication BA, MA Mass Communication ACEJMC 2022 2027

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Music BA, BM, MM, DMA, PhD Music; BME Music Education NASM* 2012 2025
Music Bachelor of Music Therapy AMTA, NASM*  2024 2035
Theatre BA, MFA, PhD Theatre; BFA Film & Television NAST* 2016 2025

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Chemistry BS Chemistry ACS 2016 2027
Physics & Astronomy MS Medical Physics and Health Physics CAMPEP 2021 2026

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Law JD; JD/DCL; LLM ABA* 2018 2028

Department/Unit Degree Program Accrediting Agency Last Review Next Review
Veterinary Medicine DVM AVMA* 2019 2026