By partnering with Louisiana communities, LSU works to improve lives across the state.

LSU Shreveport Cyber Collaboratory Makes New Partners
Through partnerships between the university and Louisiana Economic Development, the City of Shreveport, local K-12 schools, the Air Force, and industry—including small businesses—students like Ricard are starting to see what it actually means to boost high-tech innovation in northwestern Louisiana.

Dr. Jeffrey Kuo: From LSU Purple and Gold to Ochsner Blue (and Saints Black and Gold)
From when he received his Bachelor of Science degree in microbiology from LSU in 2000 and his MD from LSU Health New Orleans in 2004, Dr. Jeffrey Kuo has been busy.

Turning LSUA STEM Majors into STEM Teachers in Central Louisiana High Schools
In a historic win for LSU of Alexandria (LSUA) and career prospects in central Louisiana, a collaborative faculty team has received $1.2 million from the National Science Foundation to help LSUA students become highly effective biology, chemistry, and math teachers in high-need high schools after they graduate.

LSU Helps Louisiana Decrease Incarceration, Increase Workforce, Save >$150 Million Annually
LSU has helped lower the Louisiana prison population by almost one-fourth in three years.

LSU Eunice Identified as Key Driver of Workforce and Entrepreneur Development in Rural Communities
Achieving the Dream, a nationwide network of more than 300 community colleges, has selected seven schools it regards as “workforce and economic development engines” in rural communities. Felicity Carrier is an LSU Eunice entrepreneur.

LSU AgCenter’s FFA Youth Organization Laid Groundwork for Careers in Medicine
Formerly known as Future Farmers of America, the FFA program prepares members for leadership and careers in science, business, and agricultural technology.

Supporting Local Food Entrepreneurs
As the COVID-19 pandemic hit and hurricanes Laura and Delta then devastated culinary businesses in the southwestern part of the state, the LSU AgCenter Food Incubator in Baton Rouge quickly increased their number of tenants.

Recipes: A Taste of Louisiana
Enjoy some tasty recipes based on Louisiana ingredients from LSU researchers across the state.

For Healthy Communities, Knowledge Isn’t Enough
Through the Healthy Communities initiative, LSU AgCenter extension agents are on the ground in every Louisiana parish inviting residents to decide for themselves how to best lower obesity rates where they live.

Solving the Obesity Crisis
In a new study, obese patients who “buddied up” with a health coach from within their own communities lost 10 times more weight than patients who received regular care.

LSU Health Shreveport’s Mobile COVID-19 Team Gives Thousands Direct Access to Testing
Since April, mobile COVID-19 testing vans have been going back and forth from the new Emerging Viral Threat (EVT) Lab at LSU Health Shreveport to small towns and rural parishes all across northern Louisiana.

LSU Delivers Student-Developed Tracking Application to Louisiana National Guard
Students and staff at the LSU Stephenson Disaster Management Institute (SDMI) have developed a phone-based tracking system for critical commodities and people traveling across the state with support from the Louisiana National Guard.

LSU Trains 24,941 First Responders in Louisiana
The LSU National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorism (NCBRT/ACE) has helped Louisiana, the U.S., as well as other countries in the world tackle large societal challenges, including biological and viral threats, for almost 30 years.

LSU-Industry Partnership Develops New Designs, Turns PMAC into PPE Manufacturing Operation
Through the support of more than a dozen local business partners and about 100 faculty and staff, the manufacturing effort for personal protective equipment inside LSU’s Pete Maravich Assembly Center, or PMAC, created more than 20,000 protective gowns, 10,000 face shields, and 1,000 gallons of hand sanitizer in 30 days to help protect Louisiana’s healthcare professionals.

Sea Grant Keeps Louisiana Seafood Industry Afloat
When normal supply chains for Gulf seafood began breaking with the arrival of COVID-19, Louisiana fishermen needed to reach customers in new ways to keep their boats afloat and feed their families.