
Fund Your Initiative

Student Government is the premier on campus resource for students looking for funding. Whether you are a student looking to travel to an academic conference, or a student organization planning to host a new event, student government has a variety of funding options available for you.

All requests for funding will be submitted by logging into TigerLink to access the application. This application must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the day of your event.

Financial Dashboard

Treasuries to Treasurers

Types of Funding

PSIF: Student Organization/Event Funding

Student Government's Programming, Support and Initiatives Fund (PSIF) was created to support new student organizations, organizations hosting conferences on campus, as well as organizations hosting late-night programs for students.

Meeting Dates:

  • September 19

  • September 26

  • October 10

  • October 24

  • October 31

  • November 7

  • November 14

  • November 21

  • January 23

  • February 6

  • February 20

  • February 27

  • March 6

  • March 20

  • April 10

  • April 17

  • April 24

Note: All meetings will be held at 6:00pm in Room 452 Student Union- Tchoupitoulas. PSIF will only meet on these days if there is a presentation to be heard.

How does my organization receive funding?

  • Submit the Student Organization Funding Request Form to be considered for PSIF funding. You must do this at least 4 weeks prior to your event. (The PSIF chairperson will contact you within one academic week of your submission)
  • Meet with the PSIF Committee. Based on your proposed plan and budget, the committee will grant full funding, partial funding, or no funding to your organization.
  • If your organization is approved for PSIF funding, you must schedule and meet with the Student Government Program Manager within five (5) academic days. Please bring all prior paperwork and related details to LSU Student Union, Room 150 for your meeting.

Funding Restrictions

PSIF may NOT provide funds for the following:

  • To support a program or event where alcohol is present
  • To purchase gifts, gift cards, prizes, awards, trophies, or anything of the like
  • To purchase clothing
  • To purchase decorations for events, including flowers.
  • To purchase alcohol

*Note that all state purchasing guidelines and University policies must be adhered to with any funds allocated by this committee. Failure to comply may result in loss of funding.

Other PSIF Information and Guidelines

  • Items bought with PSIF money must be disposable, i.e. paper products, food, plastic utensils, etc.
  • Items which a student can benefit solely from are prohibited, such as flowers, gift cards, reusable table linens, etc.
  • If awards are bought with PSIF money, the award itself must stay on LSU property at all times. If text (such as names or the LSU logo) is printed on the award, it must go through the university's approval process.

Presentation Information

If your application is approved for review by the PSIF Committee, you will receive an email with a specific date to present to the committee (required per the bylaws). The representative must have knowledge about the event and the organization's budget.

The presentation style is informal. Handouts are encouraged, but not required. No PowerPoint presentation necessary. Please be prepared to present the following information:

  • What’s the mission of your organization?
  • Give detailed information on the event that you are seeking funding for.
  • When and where will the event take place?
  • Why are you traveling to this event? Hosting this event
  • Have you received funding from PSIF, ORF, or the Senate Contingency before? If so, when was the most recent occasion?
  • Does your organization hold any fundraising events? If so, were any held to contribute to this trip/event? Why or why not?
  • If you are not awarded funding, how will you carry out your plans?

The fund was created when the LSU student body passed a $2.00 self-assessed fee by a referendum in the Spring 2000 Student Government General Election (1999-2000 Student Senate Concurrent Resolution 24). This fee is assessed to all full-time students during each fall and spring semester. The purpose of this fund is to distribute funds to support the Student Government Spring Concert Event, Homecoming Concert Event, and paid admission concert series, and to provide funding to Recreational Sports Club Teams, the chartering of new student organizations, student organization sponsored conferences, and late-night, alcohol-free activities. PSIF was amended in the Spring of 2002 to include the disbursement of a one-time donation by the Coca-Cola Company. This donation was broken into two funds including the Coca-Cola Programming Support Fund and the Multicultural Leadership Cabinet Fund. These two funds have since been depleted.

The LSU student body passed a $1.00 self-assessed student fee by a referendum in the Spring 2002 Student Government General Election (2001-2002 Student Senate Concurrent Resolution 35). The purpose of this fee was to raise the current Programming, Support and Initiatives Fee to cover expenses incurred in the establishment of Late-Night, On-Campus, Alcohol Free Activities.

The LSU student body passed a $2.50 self-assessed student fee by a referendum in the Spring 2005 Student Government General Election (2004-2005 Student Senate Concurrent Resolution 42). The purpose of this fee was to raise the current Programming, Support and Initiatives Fee to increase the Spring Concert Fund by $2.00 and the Paid Admissions Concert Fund by $.50.

Once your application is received, you will be contacted by the PSIF Chair for a specific date and time to present your information to the committee.

The PSIF Committee is chaired by a representative of Student Government. The PSIF accounts are managed by the Student Government financial coordinator.

If you have any questions, please email or call 225-578-5727.

ORF: Undergraduate Travel Funding

The purpose of the Organizations Relief Fund (ORF) is to provide travel funds to undergraduate members of registered student organizations representing LSU at professional conferences and tournaments.

Meeting Dates:

  • September 17

  • October 1

  • October 15

  • October 22

  • October 29

  • November 5

  • November 12

  • November 19

  • January 21

  • February 4

  • February 18

  • February 25

  • March 18

  • April 8

  • April 15

  • April 22

Note: ORF Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. All ORF meetings will be held on Zoom.

How does my organization receive funding?

  • Submit a Student Organization Funding Request application at least two weeks prior to the date of your trip. Applications will be available for the 2023-2024 academic year from August 01, 2023 to April 09, 2023.
  • If your organization is not registered as an LSU supplier, you must do so and include your supplier ID number. Ex. SPL-#####
  • Present trip information to the ORF Committee.
  • Consult with the ORF account manager (if funding approved) to review reimbursement process and forms required.
  • Submit required forms and receipts within two weeks of end of trip.

ORF Requirements


The application must be submitted through TigerLink and include required documentation noted below.


Please use the budget template on the menu of this page to enter your travel expenses and upload it with the application on TigerLink. The expenses for your trip may include hotel fees, registration fees, transportation, and other potential fees.
Please note which portions are currently covered by other sources of funding (i.e. sponsors or fundraising).

Conference Schedule

Please upload a PDF of the conference schedule with the application on TigerLink.

Student List

Please use the student list template on the menu of this page to enter the information for the students participating in your trip and upload it with the application on TigerLink.

Trip Travel Insurance

Registered student organizations who travel with the assistance of ORF must secure student travel insurance from LSU Risk Management.

  • Organizations should complete the "Organization/Department" form. When completing the form, you must check the box at the end that says "Send me a copy of my responses." You will receive a confirmation email. The confirmation email should be saved as a PDF and uploaded with the TigerLink application.
  • Student Trip Travel Insurance Form - Organization

Other ORF Information and Guidelines:


Please note that If you do not follow the steps above, the application will be in a "Pending" status and will not be seen by the committee. If you do not complete the entire application, it will be denied and you will be required to add additional information and resubmit.

Student Eligibility

Each student must meet the following criteria to be eligible for funding:

  • Students must be enrolled as full-time undergraduate students at Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge);
  • Students must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and be in good academic standing with the University;
  • Students must not be on disciplinary probation or deferred suspension;
  • Graduating seniors who are not registered full-time may still receive funding in the semester in which they are scheduled to graduate.

Travel Regulations

University travel regulations can be found under LSU Permanent Memorandum 13 (PM-13). Travel updates and forms can be found on the Accounts Payable & Travel website. Flights and bus charters are available under the state-contracted rate from the contracted travel agencies listed below. If these vendors are not used for travel, a justification must be included in reimbursement documents

Presentation Information

If your application is approved for review by the ORF Committee, you will receive an email with a specific date to present to the committee (required per the bylaws). The representative must have knowledge about the event and the organization's budget.

The presentation style is informal. Handouts are encouraged, but not required. AV equipment will not be available. Please be prepared to share the following information:

  • Mission of Organization
  • Purpose of Travel
  • Trip Details & Dates
  • History of Funds Received from ORF
  • Fundraising Initiatives

The ORF Committee is chaired by a representative of Student Government. The ORF accounts are managed by the Student Government Financial Coordinator.

If you have any questions, please email or call 225-578-5727.

Student Senate Funding 

The Student Senate (Legislative Branch of Student Government) can provide supplemental funding for student organizations and departments at LSU. However, student organizations may need to approach ORF (undergraduate student travel to conferences) or PSIF (on campus events/new student organization initiatives) prior to reaching out to Student Senate to see if their request is eligible to receive funding from another source.

Budget & Appropriations Committee Meetings

  • Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m.
    2nd Floor Career Classroom 
    LSU Student Union

Student Senate Meetings

  • Meeting information coming soon!

A representative of the organization is not required to attend the first reading of the finance bill, but they are required to attend both the committee meeting and the Student Senate meeting where the finance bill will be heard and debated.

How does my organization receive funding?

  • Verify whether funding request should first go to ORF (undergraduate student travel to conferences) or PSIF (on campus events/new student organization initiatives).
  • Submit the Student Organization Funding Request application prior to the date funding is needed. Organizations are encouraged to submit applications at least 2 weeks in advance of trip or event.
    • The application can also be found by logging into TigerLink and searching for Student Government's organizational page.
  • Meet with your assigned Student Senator to discuss funding request so a finance bill can be written and submitted to the Speaker of the Student Senate.
  • Present your funding request at a Student Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee meeting and answer questions.
  • Present your funding request at a Student Senate meeting and answer questions.
  • If your organization is approved for Student Senate funding, you must schedule and meet with the Student Government Financial Coordinator within five (5) academic days.
    • Please bring all prior paperwork and related details to LSU Student Union, Room 150 for your meeting. The SG Financial Coordinator can be contacted at (225) 578-5727.

What documents are required by the University?

  • If travel occurs, (1) an approved AS516 (Request to Travel for Non-Workers) is needed for the student organization with a list of all travelers and student ID numbers listed and (2) proof of trip travel insurance
  • If professional services will be funded (i.e. speakers, entertainment) appropriate forms must be supplied as warranted (compliance IRS W-9, PUR-CR, PUR-CB, PUR-SS).
    • The actual forms required are defined by the Office of Purchasing’s guidelines and object codes for personal, professional, consulting and social services based on the actual cost of services provided (contracts may be required
  • If food will be served, an approved AS499 (Request for Special Meal) from Accounting Services must be submitted
    Dependent upon cost of items to be rented or purchased, the organization may have to participate in the bid process as defined by the Office of Purchasing.
  • Student organizations who are eligible for funding from ORF (undergraduate student travel to conferences) or PSIF (on-campus events/new student organization initiatives) must first apply for funding through one of those sources and be denied before they can request funding from Student Senate.

The Student Senate will not fund the following:

  • Alcohol or an event where alcohol is present
  • Clothing and uniforms
  • Charitable donations
  • Decorations for events
  • Salaries, stipends, and scholarships
  • Gift cards or cash awards
  • Retroactive spending (already expensed line items made by the organization)

Student Senate will allow food and drinks to be funded up to $13.00 per student based on anticipated attendance numbers. The only exception to this is when the cost of food is included in the registration fee for an event or trip.

Events funded by the Student Senate can NOT charge an admission fee to LSU students and must be advertised as a free event for students.

If you need any assistance with finding a Senator to sponsor a finance bill or have any questions, please send an email to

Student Sustainability Fund 

The Student Sustainability Fee is dedicated to the implementation of specific projects that increase environmental sustainability, biodiversity, and/or eco-friendly technologies on campus.

  • Meeting Dates
    • Final Proposal Due February 24
    • Hearings Start March 18
    • March 25
    • April 1

How does my organization receive funding?

  • Submit the Student Organization Funding Request Form to be considered for SSF funding. You must do this by the determined deadline. (The SSF chairperson will contact you within two academic weeks of your submission)
  • Meet with the Ross Ziegelasch Sustainability Committee. Based on your proposed plan and budget, the committee will grant full or partial funding based on the highest ranked application and may decide to approve a proposal with stipulations.

Funding Requirements and Preferences

  • Proposals must directly address the environmental sustainability of Louisiana State University and directly or indirectly benefit the students at Louisiana State University.
  • Meaningful student leadership or engagement must be integrated into each proposal.
  • Proposals that, in the view of the committee, inadequately or in a tokenistic manner involve students are likely to be not approved.
  • Proposals should have a comprehensive implementation plan.
  • Proposals must have a clearly defined, measurable outcome.
  • Project proposals based on social sustainability should incorporate environmental sustainability or climate action as a component of implementation, but these do not need to be the project’s primary focus
  • Partnerships or collaborations with other departments and/or external nonprofits, businesses, etc. must be evidenced by a signed Letter of Commitment/Collaboration.
  • Proposals must include how the SSF will be highlighted in the project’s implementation.

Presentation Information

  • If your application is approved for review by the Ross Ziegelasch Sustainability Committee, you will receive an email with a specific date to present to the committee (required per the bylaws). The representatives must have knowledge about the proposal and the attached budget to the proposal.
  • The presentation style is informal. Handouts are encouraged, but not required. No PowerPoint presentation necessary. Please be prepared to present the following information:
    • What’s the mission of your proposal?
    • Give detailed information on the proposal that you are seeking funding for.
    • What is the timeline of your proposal and where is it to be implemented?
    • Have you been in contact with the person in charge of the location you hope to implement your proposal at?
    • Why are you submitting this proposal?
    • Have you received funding from Senate Contingency or SSF before? If so, when was the most recent occasion?
    • If you are not awarded funding, how will you carry out your proposal?

Founded in 2016, the Louisiana State University Student Body voted to establish a Student Sustainability Fund (SSF) to be used for projects related to sustainability, which will be proposed by students, faculty and staff. The Oversight Committee of this fund is named after Robert “Ross” Ziegelasch, who was instrumental in the development of the Student Sustainability Fee. The Student Sustainability Fee is dedicated to the implementation of specific projects that increase environmental sustainability, biodiversity, and/or eco-friendly technologies on campus.

The term “sustainability” in this document refers to the concept and practice of reducing humanity’s impact on the environment so as not to deplete or irreparably damage natural resources necessary for long-term ecological balance.

The Student Sustainability Fee funds will be supplemental to currently allocated funds for sustainable infrastructure, technology, and initiatives. This fee will enhance, not replace, existing funds. This student recommended fee was approved through a campus-wide student referendum (Spring 2016). Consistent with the constitution of Student Government, any proposal to amend, repeal, or otherwise regulate this student self-assessment must be approved by a majority vote by members of the student body participating in a fall or spring primary election. Such proposals must comply with LSU System Permanent Memorandum Twenty-Nine (PM-29) and may be initiated by either a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Student Senate or a petition signed by ten percent (10%) of the Student Body.