Facts and Figures

Just the Numbers...

  • Facility & Property Oversight (FPO) designs, constructs, maintains, cleans, and renovates 532 buildings (14M gross square feet), 1,200 acres of grounds, 50 miles of sidewalks, and 12 miles of roads
  • Annually processes 28,000 customer work order requests.
  • FPO oversees $200M in new construction and renovation work annually with an average of 100+ ongoing projects being managed daily.
  • FPO is the largest operational unit on campus and employs a staff of more than 600 accountants, arborists, architects, carpenters, custodians, customer service representatives, electricians, engineers, IT, landscape architects, locksmiths, movers, plumbers, roofers, sheet metal workers, and support staff
  • Facilities utilizes an annual operating budget of approximately $50M dollars to meet its mission of providing accessible, clean, maintained buildings and green spaces for students, faculty, and staff to learn, teach, research, live, serve, and work.