LSU Multidisciplinary Coastal Policy Summit
Natural and social scientists unite! Join your LSU colleagues for the LSU Multidisciplinary Coastal Policy Summit. Interest should be expressed in a short (approximately five minutes) registration form by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 29.
What is it?
LSU’s communication, cultural, natural, and social researchers can provide the foundation for powerful investigative capabilities. The LSU Multidisciplinary Coastal Policy Summit, hosted by the College of the Coast & Environment, the Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs at the Manship School of Mass Communication and the Department of Public Administration at the E.J Ourso College of Business, is an opportunity for scholars in diverse fields to start conversations and build relationships leading to robust research and grant proposals on coastal policy.
Why do it?
Coastal matters define Louisiana's social and ecological systems, and coastal communication and policy also must address both. This summit is an opportunity to benefit from interdisciplinary discussions generating new and innovative questions that policymakers and funders can help us answer. This is an opportunity to form a research community around issues shaping the future of this state and beyond.
What are the details?
The LSU Multidisciplinary Coastal Policy Summit will host academics, practitioners, and students from across campus from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, April 21, 2023. Breakfast and lunch will be served. An opening reception will be held at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 20.
What will happen?
Based on your expressed experience and interests, attendees will be placed into groups for short, structured conversations with the goal of identifying areas for future collaboration, generating research questions for funding agencies, and areas of emphasis for policymakers. The intent is to turn this conference into action through grant proposals, future collaborative meetings, and other research opportunities.
Attendees will be matched into groups according to research interests and asked to come up with questions that deserve more attention from policymakers, funders, and academics.
What do I have to do?
Fill out the registration form by Friday, March 29. It will take less than five minutes. And, show up! Bring business cards!
Do I need past publications in coastal policy?
When will you hear more?
Attendees will be matched into groups according to research and policy interests. Emails confirming attendance will be sent out no later than Tuesday, April 4.
Email with questions.