
The Program Overview offers at-glance view of conference sessions, panels, and events. Detailed schedules include talk titles, presenter names and affiliations. A full Program with presentation abstracts is accessible here (

Conference Program Overview (Word file with clickable links)

Day-by-Day Detailed Schedule (PDF files with clickable links)

How to Attend:

To attend a talk, scroll through a file (an overview or a detailed schedule) and click on the name of the session, panel, or event that you wish to attend. 

The hyperlink will redirect you into the zoom meeting. (Clicking on the "Zoom Link, click here" will redirect you to the same meeting as the link from the name, whichever you find easier to click.)

When attending, type your question in the Q&A feature of the Zoom room. The Chair will address all questions at the end of each 20-minute presentation and the Presenters will respond to questions during the following 10-minute Q&A. Moderators of special panels might have a different set up for the Q&A; please, check with a panel moderator when you are attending it.

SECOL 89 Program Committee

Liliana McGuffin-Naranjo

Rafael Orozco

Jack Rittenberry

José Rojas

Irina Shport

Jeannie Williamson

Kevin Yau

Much gratitude as well to chairs of 23 (!) sessions, moderators of 4 (!!) special panels, and seven (!!!) zoom hosts who welcome you to each of the conference events.