LSU Office of Disability Services provides auxiliary aids and services to students with disabilities to ensure they
receive full participation in activities, programs, and services. This office works
with the LSU administration on policies and procedures relevant to students with disabilities
and provides disability-related information for the university community.
Testing and Evaluation Services works with the Office of Disability Services to ensure that the needs of all students
are met.
Mental Health Service (MHS) provides clinical services that enhance LSU students' personal growth and development,
address psychological needs, and support the pursuit of academic goals. Located within
the Student Health Center, MHS collaborates with campus partners and community resources.
LSU Student Government advocates for the interests of LSU students by enhancing the student experience,
promoting the image of the university and supporting student achievement on the campus
and in the community.
The LSU Center for Academic Success (CAS) helps students achieve the higher levels of learning necessary for academic success
in college and beyond. CAS offers services such as tutoring, supplemental instruction,
academic coaching and workshops.
State and Local Resources
Disability Determination Services (DDS) is the state agency responsible for determining if individuals are disabled within
federal Title II/XVI requirements.
The Louisiana Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program allows individuals and families to save private funds to support persons
with disabilities in endeavors to maintain health, independence, and quality of life.
The City of Baton Rouge ADA Task Force promotes access to public facilities, helps disabled people find productive roles
within the community, and dispels false notions about the nature of disabilities.
Disability Rights Louisiana protects and advocates for the human and legal rights of children, adults and seniors
with disabilities. They stive to empower the disability community to live an integrated
life, free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Louisiana Vocational Rehabilitation Program provides comprehensive rehabilitation services including, but not limited to, work
evaluation and job readiness services; assessment for and provision of assistive technology;
job counseling services and medical and therapeutic services.
Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LATAN)isthe federal assistive Technology ACT program for Louisian. LATAN’s mission is to help people of all ages with functional limitations or disabilities
to gain greater independence at work, at home or at school. They provide consultation and access regarding assistive technology to meet the needs of individuals.
Louisiana Commission for the Deaf (LCD) provides people who are d/Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing with programs, services and resources to ensure full communication
access to the work around them. Staff work closely with members of the d/Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing communities to continuously improve programs and services to meet their needs.
National and Federal Resources
The Department of Justice (DOJ) works to achieve equal opportunity for people with disabilities in the United States
by implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The DOJ provides technical
assistance and guidance on ADA enforcement and application.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant
or an employee based on a protected class status, including disability. The EEOC provides
resources and guidance on ADA application and enforcement.
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and
disability employment issues. The JAN website provides resources on job accommodations,
resources on specific disabilities, articles and tools, and consultation services.
The Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) is a professional organization that offers conferences, workshops, webinars, publications,
and consultation. It fosters community and member networking; informs members of emerging
issues relevant to disability and higher education; and disseminates data, promotes
research, and furthers evidence-based practice.
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