Travel Stipends

outline of the globe with an airplane flying over


Travel Stipends provide reimbursement to students for costs associated with presenting at a professional academic conference

These stipends can be used towards in-person or virtual conferences.

LSU Discover will only reimburse expenses incurred by the student traveler.  We do not reimburse faculty, staff, graduate students, parents, friends, etc. who pay for any part of the student's travel expenses (i.e., registration, airfare, hotel, etc.).


Funding for the 2024-25 fiscal year is now open

Please contact our Business Manager, Tori Clement at with any questions about Travel Stipends. 


You must have your research or creative project accepted for presentation at a professional academic event, such as a conference or symposium. 

Student conferences are not eligible for travel funding, with the exception of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research.

Student Requirements:

  • Must be enrolled as an undergraduate at LSU at the time of travel.
  • Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
  • Must be in good standing with the university. We will verify this with the Student Advocacy and Accountability office.
  • Must recieve a letter of recommendation from your faculty mentor.
  • Must meet one of the following criteria:

1. Be enrolled in the Distinguished Undergraduate Researcher Program with the following activities completed:

  • Abstract Workshop
  • 1 Professional Development Activity
  • 90 Research Practice hours

2. Participated in one of the following programs and have fulfilled all requirements for the program period: 

  • Must apply at least two weeks before the first day of travel.


You must apply for a stipend at least two weeks before the first day of travel.

Apply for a Travel Stipend

Application Components:
Most recent transcript (2.5 min GPA)
Budget estimate (use this document: Travel Budget Template-example. Anyone with accessibility issues for this document should contact Tori Clement 
Proof of acceptance to present at conference
Letter of recommendation from faculty mentor - email to 

Approved students will schedule a meeting with LSU Discover to compelte the Travel Stipend Agreement Form and the university's pre-travel form (aka Spend Authorization). These forms must be completed before your first day of travel. 

Within 4 days of returning from the trip, you must attend a second meeting with LSU Discover to submit the post-travel reimbursement form (aka Expense Report). 

Reimbursement forms will not be approved until you have completed the Travel Survey form. 

Complete the Travel Survey

Whether on a poster or a PowerPoint presentation, students should acknowledge all fudning sources for the project and travel. 

1. Primary Support: For travel fully-funded by LSU Discover

  • "Travel funding provided by an Undergraduate Research Travel Stipend from the Office of Undergraduate Research at Louisiana State University."

2. Partial Support: For travel partially funded by LSU Discover

  • "Travel funding provided in part by an Undergraduate Research Travel Stipend from the Office of Undergraduate Research at Louisiana State University."

For posters and presentation slides, please include the our logo. You may use either the horizontal or vertical version. 

LSU Discover horizontal logo

LSU Discover Vertical Logo


If you were accepted to present your research at a conference that was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still list that presentation on your CV.  Click this link to see how to cite a cancelled conference presentation in APA style: Citing cancelled conferences in APA style.

Student presenting a research poster at a conference


Student presenting a powerpoint at a conference



Past Travel Stipend Recipients

Name College Presented Research Location
Samuel Camacho Business "Give Me a Break, Oil Companies Don’t Need Them: A Case Study of Drilling Incentives in Louisiana Oil and Gas" Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting - New Orleans, LA
Gillian Coleman Coast & Environment "The Influence of Disease Resistance on Reproduction in Montastraea cavernosa" Ocean Sciences 2024 -  New Orleans, LA
Ashton Dalton Agriculture "The Influence of Different Cryoprotectants on Mitochondrial Function in Vitrified Bovine Oocytes International Embryo Technology Society (IETS) -  Denver, CO
Will Decker Humanities & Social Sciences "The Architecture of Auditory Statistical Learning: A Dynamical Functional Connectivity Study" Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language - Marseille, France
Joseph Facchinei Human Sciences & Education "Predictiveness of Community Connectedness and Social Support on Substance Use Behavior Change" CSWE Annual Program Meeting - Atlanta, GA
Marcus Forest Humanities & Social Sciences "Ongoing Racial Bias in the PPVT: Implications for “Word Gap” Researchers" Cognitive Development Society Biennial Conference -  Pasadena, CA
Mary LoGiudice Human Sciences & Education "Impact of Continuous, Low-Dose-Rate Neutron Irradiation during Gestation on Fetal Development" Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research - Washington, DC
Kenedi Lynch Science "Operation Brainstorm: Developing Molecular Biomarkers to Detect the Pathology of Cerebral Malaria in Wild Birds" Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2024 - Seattle, WA
Morgan Oen Business "The Consequences of Globalization on Housing Markets in Low-Income Countries" International Conference on Business, Politics, Technologies and Law -  Virtual
Celeste Patron Science "HD-tDCS over Left Supplementary Motor Area Improves Speech Reaction Time by Modulating Pre-Movement EEG Activity in Neurotypical Adults" Society for Psychophysiological Research - New Orleans, LA
Jared Rodrigue Science "Does a Brief and Simple 100% Oxygen Treatment Improve Sustained Attention Levels?" Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2023 - Washington, DC
Amy Ruckman Humanities & Social Sciences "Because/In Spite of Blackness: White Women, White Privilege, and Interracial Partnerships in Shakespeare" Ohio Valley Shakespeare Mtg - Dayton, Ohio
Ashlyn Schneida Science "Evaluating Site Resonance Frequency with Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios from Dense Arrays across the Tepetate-Baton Rouge Fault System, US Gulf Coast" American Geophysical Union Fall 2023 Meeting - San Francisco, CA
Emma Tsai Science "Effects of Developmental Exposure to Microplastic Leachates on Development and Behavior of Larval Zebrafish (Danio rerio)" Society for Toxicology 2024 Annual Meeting and ToxExpo - Salt Lake City, UT
Stephen Wheat Science "Murine Colonoids and Bone Marrow Derived Macrophages as Models for Macrophage-Mediated Regenerative Response in the Intestinal Epithelium" Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting - Seattle, WA
James Woodward Science "Lumen Expansion by Apical Extracellular Matrix Modification during Organ Formation" Southeast Regional Meeting of the Society for Development Biology - Mobile, AL- September 29-30, 2023


Name College Presented Research Location
Abigail Baumgartner
Humanities & Social Sciences "Multimodal Golden Lines: Pairing Lizzo, Emily Dickinson, The Weeknd, Faulkner, Dorothy Parker, and Billie Eilish" NCTE Conference on English Leadership Convention - Anaheim, CA
Gabrielle Bellelo
Agriculture "Within-field variability of spore counts of Cercospora cs. flagellaris, the cause of Cercospora leaf blight of soybean" Plant Health 2022 Conference - Pittsburg, PA
Anna Borne Science "Speciation in Sky Islands: Integrative Taxonomy of the Tit-like Dacnis (Xenodacnisparina)" 2022 Joint Conference of American Ornithological Society and BirdsCaribbean - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Miechelle Andrea DeLong-Izquierdo Humanities & Social Sciences "The Political Implications Zombies Bring to the Post-Apocalyptic World" Once and Future Fantasies Conference - Glasgow, Scotland
Clara Jimenez Art & Design "Viability of Native Vegetation and Locally Sourced Soil Mix in Green Roof Modules Under South Louisiana's Subtropical Climate" Bays and Bayous Symposium - Mobile, AL
Sarah Jimenez Engineering "Investigating Endothelial Cell Response to Pathological Macrophage Secretome in Discrete Subaortic Stenosis" Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (BMES)  - San Antonio, TX
Fredlicia Phillips Mass Communication "African American's Perception of Cultural Appropriation by Whites in the Media" 2022 Popular Culture Association of the South/American Culture Association in the South Conference - New Orleans
Zachary Robinson Humanities & Social Sciences "An unplanned shift to online learning: Implications for students, educators, and administrators" 29th International Social Science Conference - Lisbon, Portugal
Anna Stebbins Coast & Environment "Can Freshwater Flooding be Detected in Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) using Shell Barium to Calcium as an Environmental Proxy?" International Sclerochrology Conference - Tokyo, Japan
Raedan Stephens Engineering "Bird DIY: Building an RFID system to study behavior in free-living starlings" Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting - Austin, TX
Evan Threeton Humanities & Social Sciences "Sexual Orientation and Cannabis Outcomes among Black Individuals: The Role of Cannabis Use Motives" Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Special Interest Groups Expo - New York, NY


Name College Presented Research Location
Lukas Kim College of Science "Observing reactive events at the aqueous graphene oxide interface using deep neural network potentials" American Chemical Society
Tyler Kuykendall College of Art & Design "Poison to You, Purpose to Me: Candice Lin's Reclamation of Colonial Toxicity" Association for Art History's 48th Annual Conference - London, United Kingdom
Madison LeBlanc College of Science "Model Fitting of Boyajian's Star" The 240th meeting of the American Astronomical Society - Pasadena, California
Emmaline Miller College of Engineering "A Novel Microfluidic Device to Study Cell to Cell Communication By Dynamic Sampling of Paracrine Factors" American Institute of Chemical Engineerings Annual Student Conference - Boston, Massachusetts
Katie Miranda College of Agriculture "Retention Rates of Web Tags and Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tags in Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) Ducklings" AND "Stationary PIT-tag Readers Provide New Insights on Nest Box Use, Survival and Recruitment of Cavity-Nesting Waterfowl in Louisiana" Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Roanoke, Virginia
Oluwatobi Ojemakinde College of Science "Investigating the Role of BEAF in Mediating Long-Distance Chromain Looping" Annual Biomeidcal Research Conference for Minority Students - virtual conference
Benjamin Thomas College of Engineering "Using physics-informed regularization to improve extrapolation capabilities of artificial neural networks" Joint Mathematics Meeting - Seattle, Washington

Name College Presented Research Location
Kendall Brome College of the Coast & Environment “Beach-Washed and Modern Corals (Siderastrea siderea) Reveal Shifts in Sea Surface Temperature and Trade Winds in the Central Caribbean Sea for the Common Era” American Geophysical Union – virtual conference
Gabrielle Langlois College of Engineering “Investigating particle-particle interactions between natural organic matter and nanoparticles on the photochemical inactivation of MS2 bacteriophage” American Chemical Society – virtual conference
Grayce Mores College of Science “Optimizing the Alu Detection Program PolyDetect” National Council on Undergraduate Research – virtual conference
Shayon Tayebi College of Humanities & Social Sciences “The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Post-Event Processing among Individuals with Clinically Elevated Social Anxiety” Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies – virtual conference
Tanner Theisen College of Art & Design “The Design and Fabrication of Façade Panel Systems with Additive Manufacturing” Architectural Research Centers Consortium 2021 International Conference- Performative Environments – virtual conference

Name College Presented Research Location
Abigail Caffey College of Human Sciences & Education “Prolonged cognitive deficits in young adults with a history of a concussion from high school” Society For Neuroscience in Chicago, Illinois
Maryn Cavalier  College of Engineering “3D Printed Drug Delivery Implants for Canine Osteomyelitis Treatment” 2019 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Annaliesa Fanguy College of Science “The Role of PratA in the Photo-assembly of the Active Site of Photosynthetic Water Oxidation” 45th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting in Marshall, Indiana
Jackson Green College of Human Sciences & Education “Problem-Focused Personalized Feedback Intervention Reduces Cannabis-Related Problems Among Cannabis Users with High Problem Distress” Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 53rd Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia
Katerine Kjos College of Science “Seafood Forensics: Identifying the Geographical Origin of Crawfish Using Stable Isotope Analysis” Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation 2019 in Mobile, Alabama
Aidan Lambert College of Science “Light Identification Using Artificial Neural Networks” Frontiers in Optics: the 102nd Optical Society of America Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science Conference in Washington D.C.
Mark Maier College of Science “GnRH as a Neuromodulator in Midbrain Sensory Regions During the Female Cichlid Reproductive Cycle” Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB) Conference in Austin, Texas
Victoria Pfeifer College of Humanities & Social Science “Doing What Is Required of Her: Adaptation and Disability in Agatha Christie’s Nemesis” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Convention in El Paso, Texas
Mallory Pilié College of  Science “Geologic Observations From the Floor of Yellowstone Lake Using High-Resolution Video” American Geophysical Union Conference in San Francisco, California
Keyla Pruett College of Agriculture “To catch a killer: Developing PCR Primers to Assess Parasitism Rates of Parasitoids of the Roseau Cane Scale” Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri
Brianna Robertson College of Engineering “Peltier-Driven Temperature Control for Fluorescent Sensing Platform” 236th Electrochemical Society Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia
Noah Smith College of Engineering “Development of a Flow-Free Gradient Generator Using a Thiol-Acrylate Microfluidic Resin/Hydrogel (TAMR/H) Hybrid System” American Institute of chemical Engineers Annual Student Conference in Orlando, Florida
Connor Underwood College of Music & Dramatic Arts “Indeterminate Clock” Electroacoustic Barn Dance in Jacksonville, Florida
Lauren Vidrine College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Examining Vowel Nasalization in English Word Productions of Bilingual and Monolingual Cajun Heritage Speakers” Acoustical Society of America – 178th Meeting in San Diego, California

Name College Presented Research Location
Madeline Allen College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Verbal Versus Visuospatial Working Memory in Adults Who Stutter” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention in Boston, Massachusetts
Chase Anselmo College of Science “The Lateral Line System Mediates Reproductive Interactions in the African Cichlid Fish, Astatotilapia burtoni” The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology in Tampa, Florida
Caroline Bergeron College of Engineering “Utilizing 3D Printed Models for Craniofacial Reconstructive Surgery” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia
Marissa Bosley College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Opinions on Economic Inequality and the Effects on Political Participation” Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas
Michael Brands College of Science “Ionic Liquid Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis For Separation of Egg White Peptides” American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting & Expo in Orlando, Florida
Connor Burruss College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Studying the Relationship of Gentrification with Neighborhood Crime Rates in New Orleans, Louisiana” American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia
Brandon Champagne College of the Coast & Environment “Resilience in Context: How Culture Shapes At-Risk Communities” State of the Coast 2018 in New Orleans, Louisiana
Niels Dickson College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Remembering and Rejecting: Not Just Two Sides of the Same Coin” Southeastern Psychological Association Conference in Jacksonville, Florida
Evan Dore College of Science “Reproducibility of the Recursive Segmentation Technique for Creating 3D Models of Thin Connective Tissue Structures from MRI Data: The Myosepta of Lampreys (Agnatha) as an Example” Experimental Biology Conference in Orlando, Florida
Annaliesa Fanguy College of Science “The Role of PratA in the Photo-assembly of the Active Site of Photosynthetic Water Oxidation” 44th Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference in Marshall, Indiana
Trista Galivan College of Agriculture “Spreading of Norovirus: When You Least Expect It-A Hands-on Demonstration” 2019 National Food Safety Education Conference in Orlando, Florida
Ethan Gilberti College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Susan Hopley, Or, The Defacing of a Feminist Monument” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth- Century Studies (INCS) in Dallas, Texas
Megan Guidry College of Science “Diversity of Crassostrea virginica Microbiome Across Different Salinity Regimes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico” Benthic Ecology Meeting 2019 in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Logan Hart College of Science “Superstability of Semigroups” Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
Ryan Hoffman College of Science “Hypoxia-Induced Oxidative Stress in Fundulid Killifish” 2018 APS Conference: Intersociety Meeting, Comparative Physiology: Complexity & Integration in New Orleans, Louisiana
Elizabeth Joseph College of Humanities & Social Sciences “The Distinctiveness of Risk-Taking from the Big Five Personality and its Narrow Facets” 2018 Society of Judgement and Decision Making Conference in New Orleans, LA
Rohit Kalvakaalva College of the Coast & Environment “Possible Dietary Shifts in Antarctic Penguin and Seal Species During the Late Holocene Inferred from Stable Isotope Analysis” Ecological Society of America in New Orleans, Louisiana
Savannah Knighton College of Human Sciences & Education “Alpha-Gal Allergy After Chigger Bite” National Athletic Trainers Association Clinical Symposia and Athletic Training Expo in New Orleans, Louisiana
Lauren Little College of Science “Intergenerational Effects of Crude Oil Exposure on Morphology and Fitness in Gulf Killifish (Fundulus grandis)” International Congress on the Biology of Fish in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Amy Morgan College of Engineering “Evaluating Three-Dimensional Cancer Cell Migration to Durotactic Cues in a Microfluidic Device” 2018 Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers Student Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Andrew Osborne College of Science “Transitional Granulite – Facies Mafic Xenoliths in the 2.8 GA Trondhjemite – Nalite – Granodiorite (TTG) Gneisses of the Eastern Beartooth Mountains, MT/WY: Evidence for Variable fluid Interactions” Geological Society of America 130th Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana
Jarod Robinson College of Science “Presence of Jamestown Canyon Virus in White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) of the Florida Parishes in Louisiana” American Mosquito Control Association 85th Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida
Andrea Smith College of Humanities & Social Sciences “White Noise Effects on Cognitive Performance in Those with ADHD: The Moderating Role of Internalizing Symptoms” National Academy of Neuropsychology 2018 Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana
Hailey Teachout College of Humanities & Social Sciences “What Motivates People to Join the Cajun Navy and Volunteer for Disaster Rescue Efforts?” 2018 Natural Hazards Workshop in Broomfield, Colorado
Jeremiah Turner College of Music & Dramatic Arts “An Experimental Sound Design of The Diary of Anne Frank” 70th Annual Southeastern Theatre Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee
Lauren Vidrine College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Kyoo, this interjection means more than I thought!” Southeastern Conference on Linguistics in Boca Raton, Florida
Joseph Winston College of the Coast & Environment “Invertebrate Community Composition and Organic Matter Decomposition in Created and Natural Brackish Marshes in Coastal Louisiana” 2019 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana
Alexander Yandell College of Humanities and Social Sciences “Lexical Idiosyncrasy: How the Verb Conditions Language Variation in Spanish” Sociolinguistics Symposium 22 in Auckland, New Zealand

Name College Presented Research Location
Christopher Abadie College of Science “Spatiotemporal Properties of Solid State Harmonics” Southeastern Section American Physical Society 84th Annual Meeting in Milledgeville, Georgia
Jorge Abadin College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Gender and Modernization in Galdós’ ‘Tristana’ and ‘El Abuelo’” South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA 89) in Atlanta, Georgia
Lauren Agrigento E.J. Ourso College of Business “Investigating The Factors of Opioid Misuse” SAS Global Forum Student Symposium in Denver, Colorado
Augustus Bates College of Science “The Putative Martian Paterae Within Northwest Arabia Terra Compared with Contemporaneous Volcanic Provinces” Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, Texas
Rory Bentley College of Science “ALMA Submillimeter Observations of Molecular Globules within the Crab Nebula” 231st American Astronomical Society Meetings in National Harbor, Maryland
Mary “Beth” Broussard College of Engineering “Proxy-based Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing Design in Horizontal Wells through CO2 Flooding in Shale Oil Reservoirs” American Rock Mechanics Association Symposium in San Francisco, California
Joshua Campbell College of Engineering “A Microfluidic Device to Characterize the Effect of Orthogonal Chemical Gradients on 3D Cancer Cell Migration” 2017 Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers Student Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Joseph DeCorte College of Science “CXCL1 Regulates Host Immune Response to Streptococcus pneumoniae-induced pneumonia via CXCL2” National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Edmond, Oklahoma
Amanda Fontenot College of the Coast & Environment “Eroding Wetland Soils in Coastal Louisiana’s Barataria Bay Could Impact Future Climate and Sea Level Rise” Soil Science Society of America 2017 Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida
Phoebe Fortenberry College of Human Sciences & Education “The Woman’s Role in Society: A Choice or a Pre-Destination? The Literary Portraits of Women in Emilia Pardo Bazán’s ‘La Dama Joven’ and ‘El Áncora’” South Atlantic Modern Languages Association (SAMLA 89) in Atlanta, Georgia
Lucy Guo College of Engineering “A Comparative Study of Surface Cleaning Treatments for 3D Printed Medical Implants” Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems Conference (SMASIS) in Snowbird, Utah
Jeffery Howard College Of Science “Geographic variation and color polymorphism in Attila spadiceus (Tyrannidae)” American Ornithological Society 2018 Meeting in Tuscon, Arizona
Margarite LaBorde College Of Science “Multiparameter Estimation with Single Photons” Japan Society of Applied Physics-Optical Society of America Joint Symposia in Fukuoka, Japan
Claire LaGrone College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Carmen Around The World” Séminaire Mérimée in Paris, France
Katelyn Lamb College of the Coast & Environment “Isotopic and mercury analyses of coastal seabirds collected from Louisiana in 2010 during the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment” 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana
Grant Landwehr College of Engineering  “A Microfluidic Approach to Examine How the Hemodynamic Environment Alters Circulating Tumor Cell Phenotype” American Institute of Chemical Engineers National Student Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Samantha Lanjewar College of Agriculture  “Optimization of transfection efficiency for CRISPR/Cas9 induced genomic editing in porcine fibroblast cells” International Embryo Technology Society in Bangkok, Thailand
Benjamin Lane College of Science “Observation of an Optical Spring with a Beamsplitter” American Physical Society April Meeting in Columbus, Ohio
Madeline LeBlanc College of the Coast & Environment “Identification of Carbon and Nitrogen Hot Spots in Fourleague Bay along a Salinity and Sediment Gradient” 8th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering (ICESE 2018) in Barcelona, Spain
Anna Madden College of the Humanities & Social Sciences “The Effect of Attention Bias Modification on Emotion Dysregulation”  Society for Affective Science in Los Angeles, California
Joseph Nolan College of the Humanities & Social Sciences “Comorbid Problems in Young Children With and Without Family History of Autism Spectrum Disorder” Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 51st Annual Convention in San Diego, California
Kelsey Olson College of Science “Inflammatory Reproductive White Adipose Tissue Characterizes The Obese Preeclamptic-like BPH/5 Mouse prior to Pregnancy” Experimental Biology 2018 in San Diego, California
Katie Render College of Engineering  “Microfluidic Co-Culture of Breast Cancer Cells and Adipose Stem Cells” 2017 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona
Madeline Walker College of Humanities & Social Sciences “The Impact of Value-Directed Remembering on Prospective Memory Performance in Face Matching Tasks” Southeastern Psychological Association/64th Annual Meeting/Poster Presentation in Charleston, South Carolina
Madison Wayt College of Science  “The Role of Late Fluids in the Textural and Chemical Evolution of the Meso- to Paleoarchean Rocks of the Beartooth Mtns, Northern Wyoming Province, USA” The Geological Society of America in Seattle, Washington
Alexander Yandell College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Lexical Idiosyncrasy: How the Verb Conditions Language Variation in Spanish” Sociolinguistics Symposium 22 in Auckland, New Zealand
Wei Zhao College of Engineering “Investigation of a piezoelectric droplet delivery method for fuel injection and physical property evaluation” 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Denver, Colorado

Name College Presented Research Location
Allison Barbato College of Science “Using Grainsize Analysis to Refine Internal Characteristics of the False River Point Bar; Lower Mississippi River, Louisiana” Geological Society of America South Central Conference in San Antonio, TX
Victoria Burges College Of Humanities & Social Sciences “(WT)F Is Up Question Word Deletion in AAVE (African American Vernacular English)?” Southeastern Conference On Linguistics in Charleston, SC
Alexandra Burns College Of Humanities & Social Sciences “(T) and (D) dropping in Southern American English Across SES and Generations” Southeastern Conference On Linguistics in Charleston, SC
Christian Dalton College of Engineering “Bayesian Proxy-based Optimization of Miscible-CO2 Huff-n-Puff Flooding to Enhance Oil Recovery in Unconventional Shale Oil Reservoirs” Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference and Exhibition in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Bonnie Dupre College Of Humanities & Social Sciences “Using the Music and Memory Program in a Dementia Activity Center” 2017 Aging in America Conference in Chicago, IL
Lillian Foster College Of Humanities & Social Sciences “Perfect With Practice? Effects of Practice and Statement Type on Deception Detection” Southwestern Psychological Association Convention in San Antonio, TX
Hayley Franklin College of Humanities & Social Sciences “The Syntax of AAVE Be Like” Southeastern Conference on Linguistics in Charleston, SC
Ryan Hoffman College of Science “Physiological Plasticity and Tolerance of Fundulid Killifish Species to Aquatic Hypoxia” American Physiological Society Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL
*Ryan’s poster was awarded the 2017 Undergraduate Scholander competition for CEPS by APS at the conference.
Nikka Khorsandi College of Science “Immunohistochemical Comparison of Retinal Cell Populations in an Aquatic Predator Species and Terrestrial Prey Species that share a Common Evolutionary Ancestor” Neuroscience 2016 in San Diego, CA
Samantha Knotts College of Humanities & Social Sciences “The Role of Working Memory Capacity and Cognitive Load on Lie Detection” Southwestern Psychological Association Convention in San Antonio, TX
Katelyn Lamb School of the Coast & Environment “Preliminary isotopic analyses of coastal seabirds collected from Louisiana in 2010 during the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment” 2017 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference in New Orleans, LA
Victoria Lanclos College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Cultivation and Ecology of Novel SAR11 Taxa from Coastal Louisiana Waters" American Society for Microbiology-Microbe 2017 in New Orleans, LA
Samantha Lanjewar College of Agriculture “Feasibility of Whole Genome Amplification of Lysed Cells From Embryo Biopsies for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis” 43rd Annual Conference of the IETS (International Embryo Technology Society) in Austin, Texas
Devin Manning College of Engineering “Development of a Microfluidic Device to Quantify Algal Chemotaxis” AIChE 2016 Annual Student Conference in San Francisco, CA
Shannon Matzke School of the Coast & Environment “Nitrogen fixation rates associated with anatomical features of Sargassum horneri surrounding Catalina Island, CA” ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Honolulu, HI
Emily Nall College of Science “Metabolic and physiological flexibility in a coastal isolate from the OM252 clade of Gammaproteobacteria” American Society for Microbiology -Microbe 2017 in New Orleans, LA
Christopher Peck College of Science “Examination of the Ross Ice Sea Shelf Fauna” 2016 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists in New Orleans, LA
Catherine Pinas College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Does Individualized Music Reduce Agitation and Confused Responses in Respite Center Clients?” Aging in America Conference in Chicago, IL
Emily Ribando-Gros College of Science “Second Minimal Orbits, Sharkovski Ordering, and Universality in Chaos” 2017 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Atlanta, Georgia
Hunter Songy College of Science “Tourmaline as an indicator of dynamic fluids associated with ore deposits: Examples from western Nevada” Geological Society of America 2016 Annual Meeting in Denver, CO
Shelby Stewart College of Humanities & Social Sciences “E-cigarette Use Patterns and Attitudes Among Problematic College Drinkers” 2016 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention in New York City, NY

Name College Presented Research Location
Allison Barbato College of Science “Investigations into the Source of K and Th Decoupling Across Terrestrial Bodies” 2016 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Woodlands, TX 
David Cowles School of the Coast & Environment “Characterizing Novel Alternative Splicing Isoforms of Critical Drug-Processing Genes in Mice” 2016 Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA
David Fertitta School of the Coast & Environment “Drifter-Based Predictions of the Spread of Surface Contamination Using Iterative Statistics: A Local Example with Global Applications” 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA
Patrick Isacks College of Humanities & Social Sciences “The Falklands Factor: A Popular War” 2016 National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Asheville, NC
Phillip “Andy” McLean College of Humanities & Social Sciences “A Curious Compatibility: A Glimpse of Heidegger’s Authentic Temporality in Augustine” 2016 A VISTA Medieval Graduate Student Symposium in Denton, TX
Akeem Muhammad College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Racy: An Image Theatre Experiment in Black and White” 2015 National Communication Association 101st Annual Convention in Las Vegas, NV
Carly Thaxton College of Agriculture  “Failure to Achieve Recommended ω-3 DHA Intake During Pregnancy: Nutrition Education Needed” Experimental Biology 2016 in San Diego, CA
Karyn Warner College of Humanities & Social Sciences “Attitudinal Trends Toward Working Women and Working Mothers” 2016 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) in Anaheim, CA