Double-Corrected Monochromated Spectra 300 S/TEM
The ThermoFisher Spectra 300 S/TEM (60–300 keV) is a high-resolution aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscope. The microscope is equipped with a high-brightness X-FEG source, Cs CETCOR image and S-CORR probe corrector system, Lorentz lens, Super-X EDS detector, DualEELS, and 4D STEM detectors. A suite of sample holders offers a wide range of in situ and operando TEM capabilities.
Microscope installation currently in progress..
Microscope features
- High brightness Schottky field emission gun (X-FEG) with monochromator unit
- Acceleration voltage: 60 keV, 80 keV, 200 keV and 300 keV
- Cs CETCOR / S-CORR double aberration corrector system
- High angle annular dark field (HAADF) STEM detector
- Panther segmented and on-axis disk and annular STEM detector system
- EMPAD (Electron Microscope Pixelated Array Detector) for 4D STEM at up to 1100 fps
- Ceta-S bottom mount TEM camera
- Super-X energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) detector
- GATAN GIF Continuum K3 for EELS, EFTEM, and energy-filtered 4D STEM
- Cs corrected TEM Lorentz mode (300 keV) for imaging of magnetic domains
- Precession electron diffraction
Specified resolution
- Energy spread: 0.2–0.3 eV (300 keV)
- Information limit: 60 pm (300 keV)
- STEM resolution: 50 pm (300 keV)
Available specimen holders
- High-visibility low-background double-tilt holder
- Low-background single-tilt holder
- GATAN Model 636 liquid nitrogen cooled double-tilt holder
- GATAN ELSA 698 cryo-transfer holder with extended tilting range ±70°
- Analytical tomography holder (high-visibility, low-background, optimized for EDS), ±70°
- FEI NanoEx–i/v single-tilt TEM holder for MEMS-based heating and biasing
- Hummingbird Scientific 1300-HF1A Atmospheric Gas TEM holder with 4 electrical contacts
- Hummingbird Scientific 1400-HF1A Liquid Flow TEM holder with 4 electrical contacts
Available software
- EPU software package for single-particle image acquisition
- Maps 3 correlative workflow image acquisition and processing software
- VeloxTM for imaging, EDS and EELS acquisition
- Gatan Microscopy Suite for experimental control, imaging and spectroscopy applications
- Inspect3D for tomography data processing and reconstruction
- Avizo for EM Systems for advanced visualization and analysis of reconstructed tomography data
- TEM scripting interface for user-defined automation of acquisition workflows
Key applications
- High-resolution HAADF- / LAADF- / ABF- / BF-STEM imaging at sub-atomic level
- High-resolution iDPC imaging for light elements
- High-resolution TEM imaging
- Fast EDS elemental mapping with Super-X detector
- EELS mapping, EFTEM and energy-filtered 4D STEM with Gatan GIF K3 Continuum
- Monochromated EELS at high energy resolution
- 4D STEM data acquisition for mapping of strain, phases, orientations, fields, and for DPC and ptychography
- TEM-, STEM-, and EDS tomography
- Lorentz microscopy for magnetic and polarized materials
- in situ and operando TEM capabilities for liquid- and gas-phase, heating, biasing, and cryo studies
Additional Equipment
- Fischione 1040 NanoMill
- Fischione 1020 Plasma Cleaner
- Hitachi ZONE TEM II Ozone and UV Sample Cleaner
- Gaton Model 695 PIPS II
- Gatan Model 655 Pumping Station for cryo holders
- Data processing workstation