Wendy McLain

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Wendy McLain

Assistant Professor of Professional Practice

Master's Degree(s): MLIS, Louisiana State University, 1990 

Bachelor's Degree(s): BA, University of Nevada-Reno, 1989

223R Peabody Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
O: (225) 578-6912
F: (225) 578-4581




Wendy McLain is an Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in the School of Information Studies at Louisiana State University. After earning an MLIS from LSU, Wendy worked for 30+ years in the field of Records and Information Management (RIM). In addition to creating and leading RIM programs within the government, healthcare, engineering, and energy sectors, she became a leader within the profession, serving in many board roles including President of both ARMA and ICRM. As a longtime advocate for blending academics with practice, Wendy created and taught Principles of Records Management as an adjunct professor for LSU and served as an internship supervisor for graduate students seeking professional experience. She was instrumental in the creation of the RIM certificate partnership with the ICRM.

Courses Taught

LIS 7009: Understanding Research

LIS 7604: Principles of Records Management

Research Areas

Records and Information Management (RIM), Information Governance (IG), Role of Professional Associations in Global RIM/IG Industry.   

Selected Publications

McLain, W. (2024, forthcoming). Evolution of email strategy. In P.C. Franks, Records and Information Management. (3rd ed.) ALA.

Beck, V., Dionne, M., Koti, I., Loriss, T., McLain, W., & Veal, S. (2011). Making the Case for Merging Document Control and Records Management: Part 2. Information Management Journal, 45(4), 40–42.

Beck, V., Dionne, M., Koti, I., Loriss, T., McLain, W., & Veal, S. (2010). Making the Case for Merging Document Control and Records Management. Information Management Journal, 44(6), 24–27.

Selected Presentations

McLain, W. (2024). “I Don’t Want to Talk About AI.” ARMA Florida Sunshine Conference, Feb 22-24, Orlando, FL.

McLain, W., Cornish, A., Leming, R., & MacLeod, R. (2023). “What the future holds for Information and Records Management.” IRMS Conference, May 14-16, Manchester, England.

McLain, W. (2022). “Plain O.L.D. Logic - Applying Sedona Conference Guidance in Your Disposition Decision-Making Processes for Old, Legacy, and Dormant Information.” NAGARA Conference, Feb 25, Virtual.

McLain, W. (2020). “Meeting Evolving Business Needs: A Conversation Between RIM Educators and Thought Leaders.” MER Conference, May 5, Virtual.

McLain, W. & McKay, A. (2017). “E‐Mail Management in the Real World.” ARMA Houston Conference, Apr 26, Houston, TX.

Selected Grants & Funded Projects

McLain, W., & Jin, T. (2015). Identifying Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for RIM/IG Professionals. ARMA International Educational Foundation (AIEF), $13,651 requested, $7,500 offered (contract not accepted). 

Selected Professional & Community Service

ARMA International, Director, President-Elect, President, 2019 – 2024.

ARMA International Educational Foundation (AIEF) Trustee, 2023 – present.

Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM), Regent, President-Elect, President, Chair, 2012 2018.

Records and Information Management Practitioners Alliance (RIMPA), Global Ambassador, 2024 – present

Awards & Honors

School of Library & Information Science Alumna of Distinction Award, LSU College of Human Sciences & Education, 2016.