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August 2020
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Happy 2021 Fiscal Year!

FY21 Spending Freeze Continued
On Monday, August 17th, 2020, Procurement Services resumed normal business hours,
Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm. However, we will adhere to the following
- Access to the office will be restricted to those with appointments only and mail deliveries.
Office doors will remain locked and visitors should ring the doorbell or call the
front desk to gain access.
- Documents should be scanned and emailed to the staff member or purchase@lsu.edu for review and approval/signature. If original/hard-copy documents are required,
the documents can be sent to our office via campus mail.
- In-office staff will be working staggered schedules in order to practice appropriate
social distancing within our workspace. Staff not working in office on a particular
day are working remotely and should be contacted via email.
- During face to face interactions, face masks will be required by all present parties.
To request in-person assistance, email the staff member directly to make an appointment.
Questions regarding office operations and any other issues should be emailed to purchase@lsu.edu.
Staff contact information can be found at the link below: https://www.lsu.edu/administration/ofa/procurement/staff.php
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter!
New LSU Account Representatives
The Dell LSU Account representatives have changed. Below are the replacements for
John Barcelona and Shannon McKinley.
Sean Weiner Inside Account Manager Sean_Weiner@Dell.com 512-513-1060
Anthony Occhipinti Account Executive Anthony.Occhipinti@Dell.com 985-317-7165
The Office Depot LSU Account representative has also changed. Below is the replacement
for Sonya Prendergast.
Lisa Patton Strategic Account Manager lisa.patton@officedepot.com 713-878-2158

Face Shields
The University has secured a quantity of disposable face shields (shown here) that
are available to Faculty and Staff, either for their personal protective use or to
be provided to students as deemed necessary. The face shields must be assembled before
use and are designed to allow them to be worn over eyeglasses. These face shields
will be provided at no cost and will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
These face shields can be requested using the existing PPE request form and the orders
will be fulfilled by University Stores. The request from is accessible by clicking
the PPE Order Form link on the University Stores site below:
Departments are reminded that plexiglass can be procured for their workspaces. The
Plexiglass Resources Guide was recently disseminated to provide the contact information for the master contract
suppliers who have indicated plexiglass solution availability via the existing contracts.
However, product availability will vary due to the demand. As the market grows, additional
plexiglass solutions may become available by these or other master contract suppliers;
all of which would be acceptable to purchase as long as it meets the terms and conditions
of the master contract.
Standard and custom-sized plexiglass guards may also be available from local, diverse
suppliers. For assistance finding plexiglass solutions from historically underutilized
business (HUBs) registered with LSU’s Supplier Diversity Program, please contact Don
Lawhorn (dlawhorn1@lsu.edu).
Message from University Stores
We need your help in disseminating information to those who are ordering PPE for your
department to ensure the process is being followed properly, so orders can be filled,
based on availability, as soon as possible.
- PPE requests must be submitted through the PPE order form. Once the form is submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to the customer verifying
that the order has been received. There are many people who are making multiple calls,
emailing, and visiting University Stores to check on the status of orders, as well
as submitting multiple orders for the same items. This is lowering productivity and
delaying the process even further for all customers waiting on orders.
- All orders are being prioritized with input by University Administration. University
Stores will fill orders based on these priorities.
- As you are aware of, based on your own shopping experiences, there are limited quantities
of some much needed items. This is the case for some items that University Stores
is purchasing for departments, so it is possible that some orders may have to be filled
according to an allocation.
University Stores staff are working hard to ensure that departments have all items
needed for the Fall semester, so please be patient as they work with suppliers to
fill your orders.

The following virtual training sessions are now available. Register online at training.lsu.edu.
Training Session |
Date |
Time |
Procurement Institute
Thursday, September 3rd
1:00 – 4:00 PM
Specs and More Specs
Monday, September 14th
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Department Solicitations
Monday, September 14th
2:30 – 3:30 PM
Workday Procurement: Tips & Tricks
Tuesday, September 22nd
1:00 – 2:30 PM

Request Goods or Services: Which Should I Choose?
Workday requisition lines, depending on the option selected, drives what fields you
do/don’t see, validations and once approved how a purchase order will be issued, received
and paid. The Request Goods option prompts users to specify the good and or service to be procured where the
purchase is defined by a quantity, unit cost and unit of measure (each, case, hour,
year etc.). Services to be included on “Goods” lines are maintenance, repair, annual
service, licensing, cleaning/janitorial etc. as these are services that are typically
priced at a set unit cost at a set unit of measure.
The Request Services option prompts users to identify the service to be rendered where there is no established
rate or quantity and only an anticipated extended amount to be spent is identified.
However, as defined by LSU, the only services to be included on “Services” lines should
either be for Professional, Specialty, Consulting Services or Construction.
Workday Line Splits: Amount vs Quantity
A single requisition item can be charged to multiple account numbers (Worktags) and
is referred to as a “line split”. Line splits are identified on the Goods/Services
line. Scroll all the way to the far right and look for “Splits” column. A number in
a circle in this column represents the number of line splits applying to this line.
Lines can be split by Amount or Quantity. Split by Amount allows users to enter a certain percentage or specific dollar amount in which will
be charged to a specific account number. Split by Quantity allows users to split by the number of items you are ordering and can only be used
if the quantity ordered is more than one.
Once submitted, selection of a particular line split option often cannot be edited
AND can have downstream limitations once a purchase order is issued.
Editing Addresses and Worktags in WD Requisitions
Ship-To Addresses
Ship-To addresses default to the company’s billing address and MUST be changed to the appropriate Ship-To address for your department prior to submitting
each requisition. If you failed to select the Ship-To address on the 1st requisition
screen, use the Edit Address option at the bottom of the checkout screen to do one of the following:
a. Change the Ship-To Address
b. Select Use Alternate Address checkbox
1. Click Add button
2. Enter address values
Note: Alternate Addresses CANNOT be used if:
- The purchase is from a supplier website (punch-out catalog)
- The purchase requires a solicitation (RFQ) be issued
These requisitions must use an existing address setup in Workday. A Location Request must be submitted in Workday to have an address setup for purchases to be shipped
to a non-LSU location or to a LSU location not listed prior to submitting the requisition.
When done be sure to click Apply to save selections and return to the checkout screen.
Requisition Worktags
Users also have the option to specify worktags on the 1st requisition screen however
the Edit Requisition Defaults option at the bottom of the checkout screen can be used to specify worktags or define
line split for all lines, replace worktags copied from a prior requisition, or copy
defined worktags from Requisition Templates:
a. Select Use Default Worktags, Use Default Splits or Copy from Requisition Worktag Templates (if already defined). b. Enter worktag values.
When done be sure to click Apply to save selections and return to the checkout screen.
For screenshots of these fields refer to the last 2 pages of any Create Requisition
job aid on the Workday Finance Training webpage.