Jasmine Babineaux

Coordinator, Leadership & Service

jasmine's headshot

I do this work because I believe in paying it forward and that education is the key to excellence. I am a student affairs educator because it’s a part of my purpose to support, empower, and guide young people to fulfill their highest destiny.

A part of my destiny is to serve our coming generations to be critical thinkers, creatives, and intentional leaders who are fearless!

I learned early on that success is a shared effort, and I seek to be a part of students’ support system as they pave their own lane of achievement.

I also believe that through growth and personal development, anything can be accomplished. Often, students need a mentor or someone cheering for them to persevere beyond their own expectations.


I learned early on that success is a shared effort, and I seek to be a part of students’ support system as they pave their own lane of achievement.  -Jasmine

Hidden talents

Most people are surprised to learn that I can freestyle on the piano!

My thoughts on destiny and peace

My Grandmother, Mona Mel Morrison-Babineaux, is the matriarch of my family. She and my Grandfather raised me to be a spiritual being who shared love no matter where I went. My Mawmaw instilled in me to be bold and confident, adventurous, and prayerful. I grew up practicing Catholicism until I moved away to pursue my undergraduate degree which was the catalyst for finding my own path to God. Those values continue to ground me in my faith and spirituality. I believe that having a connection to God is essential to achieving one’s destiny, living a peaceful life, and radiating light effortlessly.

Now streaming

My favorite TV shows are Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Insecure, and Lie to Me.


MEd, Marquette University
BA, St. Norbert College

Contact Jasmine

358J LSU Student Union